Corbiculacean Gill Morphology – The Gill Filament

The filament is the functional feeding unit of the Lamellibranch gill. It contains all of the cilliary structures required for respiration and food capture.

The images below are:

1. A cross section through the gill filament of Corbicula fluminea showing the frontal cells, the frontal cirrus cell, the eu-latero-frontal cells, and the mucous cell. Approximate magnification of the original photo – 3kx.

2. An SEM view of the gill of Corbicula fluminea showing the frontal cilia, the frontal cirri, and the eu-latero-frontal cirri. Approximate magnification of the original photo – 1.2kx.

3. An oblique SEM view of the gill filament of Musculium partumeium showing the showing the frontal cilia, the eu-latero-frontal cirri, and the lateral cilia. Approximate magnification of the original photo – 1.04kx.

4. An SEM of a lateral view the gill filament of M. partumeium showing the frontal cilia, the plate-like eu-laterao-frontal cirri, and the lateral cilia. Approximate magnification of the original phot – 1.08kx.

An SEM of the gill of Polymesoda caroliniana. Approximate magnification of the original photo – 1.03kx.

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